It goes without saying that 2020 will go down as an unforgettable year of disruption, hardship and dramatic societal change. It is my sincere hope that you, your families and colleagues are managing through these extraordinary times.
Despite the pandemic, and in some cases shaped by the pandemic, innovation in the MR community continues to flourish. For example, this issue of SIGNA™ Pulse of MR has a section dedicated to MR imaging during the pandemic, including two case studies on cardiac MR imaging of myocarditis in COVID-19 patients. These reports shine a spotlight on the ever-growing importance of MR to evaluate important diseases such as COVID-19-related myocarditis, and thrombosis among others.
The innovation continues with articles that include cutting-edge artificial intelligence (AI) applications for automated prescription and deep-learning reconstruction. Advances in volumetric T1-weighted imaging in the liver, including LAVA HyperSense‡, and non-Cartesian strategies such as DISCO Star‡ (DISCO Stack-of-Stars) are also highlighted. The recent release of deep-learning-driven reconstruction for improved SNR performance, with reduced ringing and preserved image sharpness, is highlighted in GE’s exciting new AIR™ Recon DL‡‡, recently FDA cleared for 2D applications. Emerging applications of AI for improved workflow and MR utilization with Imaging Insights for improved business intelligence also show the breadth of how AI is changing our field.
The newly 510(k) cleared SIGNA™ 7.0T∗∗, where high-field MR can be used to gain new insights into biology and clinical care is introduced in this issue. At the same time, the need for improved cost effectiveness through rapid protocols and accelerated acquisitions, such as LAVA HyperSense, DISCO Star and HyperMAVRIC, are highlighted.
This edition also presents a potpourri of important case studies in cardiac MR, musculoskeletal imaging, body and pediatric applications, as well as exciting new neuro and angiography applications of MR. Finally, in the technology trends section, a deep dive into AIR™ Recon DL explores how this technology can be used to refine, accelerate and improve the quality of MR protocols throughout the body.
As you can see, innovation and translation of exciting new technologies into clinical practice continue to accelerate, despite the challenges we have faced this year. I am excited to see how these technologies can be used to improve the quality of care for our patients, especially those suffering from COVID-19, and how we can improve access to high-quality care for our patients in general. The potential to continually transform our field into a powerful essential tool enabled through widespread and accessible use for all members of society is achievable.
Finally, I am pleased and excited to announce that Utaroh Motosugi, MD, PhD, from Kofu Kyoritsu Hospital in Japan will be taking the baton and honor as guest editor for 2021. I look forward to continuing to engage with the MR community and celebrate the exciting innovations that all of you are bringing to our patients everywhere.

With deep gratitude, the SIGNA™ Pulse of MR Editorial Board and editors thank Dr. Scott Reeder for his leadership and unwavering assistance as our Guest Editor during this tumultuous year. A recognized global expert in body MR imaging, his passion for MR and belief in its importance to improving patient health helped guide us in our exploration of new technologies and techniques throughout the pages of this magazine. We greatly appreciate his dedication to helping further MR education in the GE community and beyond.

‡ 510(k) pending with the US FDA. Not yet CE marked. Not available for sale.
‡‡ Not yet CE marked for 1.5T. Not available for sale in all regions.
∗∗ Not yet CE marked. Not available for sale in all regions.