MR is one of the more complex imaging modalities, but it doesn’t have to be difficult to operate. In fact, it is about to get easier for technologists thanks to SIGNA™ One from GE Healthcare.
SIGNA™ One is an elegant and anticipatory imaging platform designed to support excellence in MR imaging. It is intelligent and intuitive, anticipating the user’s next move with a preprogrammed task guidance solution that also levels the learning curve. And, it’s efficient, requiring fewer interactions from the technologist from start to finish.
Highlighted fields guide the technologist step-by-step, making the process easier to follow with 34% less set up time. SIGNA™ One streamlines the scanning process through an easy-to-use Express mode that provides for 66% fewer clicks, 37% reduction in mouse travel and shows 82% fewer parameters for less user distraction with Express Mode. SIGNA™ One also delivers up to 50% reduced scan times when used with all the up-to-date applications, compared to prior generations.
The result is a seamless experience and excellence in imaging that make technologists instantly productive and interpret what a user needs, when they need it. SIGNA™ One is designed to make the scanning process smooth so even the most sophisticated MR exam can be completed efficiently with optimal results.